Monday, September 17, 2012

Current Events


Muhammad (saw). 

These are the most common words you are hearing. 
A ____ (i choose to leave this blank -_-) guy in Cali has made a movie on the Prophet Muhammad. The cast claims not being informed that the movie was Anti-Islam, but rather that it was about life in early Egypt......? Doesn't that sound plausible... >.> 

This movie has caused an outrage. Emotional. Mental. Physical. There has been much violence and bloodshed going around. Now my words may sound controversial- but its the deep truth. These occurring happen to see how violent Muslims get how much blood they shed. Why? So that people can back their argument that Muslims are violent people. Now don't get me wrong but I love Muhammad (saw) and so should you... But the best way to end this disastrous occurring is by protesting. I'm not gunna tell you shut your mouth and be patient and that this all will subside.. heck no! I'm telling you to go out there and protest! 

Our religion should not be ridiculed by ignorant people- nor should it be generalized by them violent peoples.... It should be known by us- the ones who don't use violence but rather show that even under times of stress Muslims use the way of peace.

Violence solves nothing but ruins everything

Take the example of Mahatma Gandhi. 

"I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life."

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

Sidra  Afzal


  1. This is very true. I feel that no one is focusing on what happened, just the protests.
    It is kind of like 9/11, when there were 15000 innocent civilians killed in Afgahnistan, yet we only focused on how 3000 were killed in the attacks. It is like if a kid knocked you over with a shovel, and you killed him!
    Sorry, I'm kind of passionate about this! Great post!
    <3 Matma Gandhi :)


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