Emo. Suicide. Drugs. Anti-Depressants. Sleeping Pills. Insomnia. Withdrawal.
Many people are being victimized to this plague. The number increases while the age of getting inflicted decreases.This plagues name is Depression. Depression is known as a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal. There are basically 2 types of people when it comes to categorizing depression. The Open and The Hidden.
The Open are those people who can be diagnosed with depression jus by talking with them for a little bit. On the other hand The Hidden are those people who become within them selves. They have a P.H.D in hiding emotions and concealing themselves. This, my friends, is fatally dangerous...
To deal with this people go to physcologists. And in the doing- might start worshiping a priest or a church pastor in hopes of relieving themselves...thus committing shirk. Shirk is associating partners with Allah and is one of the major sins.
While one might get temporarily relief from Drugs and whatnot...they will realize that their problems were never fact they have become worse!! :O
Now what is the cure to Depression? Cutting your self? Taking drugs? Making the decision that you shouldn't live anymore?? --err wrong--

Druggies: should i even get started? --Dude jus wake up....your killin yourself and it aint cool homie- it aint cool...
Suiciders: Allah gave you this life and whatever is in it. Allah says in the Quran," after every hardship is ease, verily after every hard ship is ease."
No gave you the right to end your life no matter how blue thngs might seem... Remember, "There is always the sun shining behind the clouds that are raining"
Never forget Allah is ALWAYS there for us. No matter where you are he knows.
So just believe in Him and raise your hand in prayer.
+Allah knows by Zain Bhikha+
May Allah make everything easy on us. Ameen.
سُبْحَانَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ الْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُون َ ; وَسَلامٌ عَلَى الْمُرْسَلِينَ ; وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ.
{ Sidra Afzal }
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