Real Beauty

That celeb is fake. You might have heard it all before
but it doesn’t hurt to hear it again. What she has on is like 100 pounds of
makeup. 50 pound alone jus being the foundation. Her hair color? I’m sorry dear,
she dyed it. What bout her gorgeous eyes? 8/10 times she’ll be wearing
contacts. What bout that body? HELL-OO… Photoshop anyone?
That’s right. Now let’s bring in the real hard core
stuff. Real beauty. Every girl whether Muslim or not has beauty- even if she’s
not beautiful. How? Inner beauty. The beauty that lies within her soul. Her
heart and mind. Many choose to corrupt while others nurture it. Inner beauty is
the true beauty and that is the beauty that reflects on the outside too. The
hijab is a beauty itself. You don’t need any make up to cover up. Your beautiful
just the way you are.
My friend coined this term for hijabi girls that wear tight
clothing or half sleeves. And they pour makeup over their face like no tomorrow.
(lol) And then the jewelry... don’t get me started... lemme jus say – if they sold
it – they would be pretty rich. Dear if you’re going to make fun of the hijab
and defeat its purpose of it...then maybe you should rethink your reason of wearing it.
I mean think of it. If EVERYONE looks at you every single
drab day wearing makeup and looking pretty... when the time comes to be
beautiful... you’ll be looking the same you do every day :P sides it’s the
heart that counts not the face ^_^. Take care of your personality not only your looks. Your personality and your actions are the things that will benefit you in this and in the Hereafter. Not your appearance. You may be gorgeous but have a witchy personality. Or you may be the
girl who’s decent in looks but her Iman shines on her face and has a
wonderful personality. Your pick. :-)
“A girls beauty is like a pearl in an
oyster…let that oyster stay closed till the time comes...she’s like a delicate rose…let that rose be untouched until the right
hand picks it.”
Dua For Looking
in the Mirror
When we look in the mirror at ourselves we should read this Dua:
When we look in the mirror at ourselves we should read this Dua:
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي
Allahumma anta hasanta khalqi fahassin khuluqi
"O Allah, just as you have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well"
Try posting it on the mirror that way it becomes a habit.
Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. It all depends how you live and how your present yourself. Whether or not if you are true to yourself and others….or are you no better than those fake celebs? Think about it.
Sidra Afzal
© TheUmmahVoice
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