Abdullah and Ahmed always say salam :) |
An abdullah bin umar anna rajulan sa'ala rasullulah saw ayul islami khair? qala tut emut ta'ama wa taqra'us salama ala man arafta wa mal lam ta'rif.
It is narrated by abdullah bin umar that a man asked what is the best action in Islam The Prophet (saw) said: To feed on another food and to say salam to those you know and those you don't know.
Now a days when you see some one you know instead of going to them you turn around and walk the other way right? lol this has happened to me many times- but me being me went up to them...they kinda feel embarrassed too yah know wat im sayin? :D
Nasai narrates from Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, "There are rights of a Muslim over a Muslim: Responding to salaam, visiting the sick, following the bier (A platform upon which the corpse rests), accepting an invitation (to a meal) and blessing a person who sneezes."
So it is fard to reply to the salam but how do we deal with it?
2 friends are at the airport coincidentally and one says AS SALAM U ALAIKUM BRO!! across the waiting area- the second guy has 2 options. 1.Pretend he doesn't know the guy- which is 75% the response lol- OR 2. Murmur wasalam not today brother not today walk away.And then whisper under his breath "Did that idiot forget this is the AIRPORT ?!?...THE AIRPORT for cryin out loud. :D
Truthfully in this situation i would pick...hmm neither cuz i would be the maniac screaming across the waiting area. :-D
Actually once we were out on a long drive and i was soo bored. I read my books, i reviewed my surahs well most of them and didn't feel like drawing so i started waving to random people...yes i seriously was crazy enough. lollz my mom was saying they will think you are a mental patient in hijab...I'm like idc I'm not seeing them ever again :)

ahh.. the joy of saying hi to random people you will never see again :D
So basically don't forget to say salam i mean its the best greeting. Peace and blessings be upon you.
Keep me in your duas!
Allahuma yahdina fiman hadaiy
Sidra Afzal
© TheUmmahVoice
I had no idea you would do that...